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INVITATIONS TO OUR EuroElite PROJECT MEMBERSHIP for Season 2023/2024 will be available from JUNE 08, 2023…By PERSONAL INVITATION FROM THOMAS ONLY!

Thank you for returning to this page!
When you have received your Personal Invitation from Thomas to join our Year-Round EE Project Membership Family.

How to sign up for Summercamps
Please write thomas a mail/ with your Name, Year of Birth, Phonenr, Club and Which Summercamp you wanna go to + 1-2 alternative camps (and a link to the summercamps)

How to sign up for the Project
You will get a personal invitation from Thomas to join our year round EuroElite Project membership family 

Want to sign up for a tour or camp? Click the specific event and sign up by clicking on the blue botton on each individual tour/camp!
