tours &

time to sign up!

latest information
summer camps 25th year anniversary - only *4850 SEK - Just like back in 2000!
Click here for this years summer camp broschure!
WE HAVE EXTENDED THE SUMMER CAMP ANNIVERSARY PRICE to those who choose one of our Summer *TOURNA-CAMPS events outside of Scandinavia: MAY - Slovenia TE 14/16, JULY Austria #1 TE 12/14, JULY Austria #2 TE 12/14, AUGUST Germany TE 12/14. Write Dave for more info!
* A Tourna-Camp combines an International Tennis Europe event (with guaranteed entry) with a clay camp so you maximise your tour with tons of tennis training/friendly match play!
Summer Camp 2025 is now 4850:sek until February 01, 2025. Then price goes up to 5850:sek so hurry to book your place and SAVE!
the next generation of prime!

The Adventure BEGINS where your Comfort Zone ENDS
Looking to take your junior tennis game to the next level?
EuroElite Tennis is Scandinavia’s leading academy for competitive players. We offer intensive training programs designed to elevate your game, with expert coaches providing personalized plans to maximize your potential. Our proven track record speaks for itself – join the ranks of successful junior players who have competed internationally after training with us. Don’t just play tennis, dominate it. Choose EuroElite.

LEHNHOFF TENNIS INTERNATIONAL (LTI) IS A PROUD SPONSOR of EuroElite Jr. Tennis Academies Junior International Touring Teams!
Way to go, boys... it’s so fun working with you on these tours but bottom line
credit goes to KB Tennis (Christian’s club) and Lyngby Tk (August’s club) who
have put in the hundreds of thousands of minutes ON COURT EVERY DAY with
the boys. Thanks for allowing me and EuroElite to be a small part of their exciting
NOW... OFF TO J300 BARRANQUILLA, Colombia at 2am. Such is life on the tour😉
#copadelcafe #championscostarica #costaricacountryclub #euroelitetennistours

Way to go, boys... it’s so fun working with you on these tours but bottom line
credit goes to KB Tennis (Christian’s club) and Lyngby Tk (August’s club) who
have put in the hundreds of thousands of minutes ON COURT EVERY DAY with
the boys. Thanks for allowing me and EuroElite to be a small part of their exciting
NOW... OFF TO J300 BARRANQUILLA, Colombia at 2am. Such is life on the tour😉
#copadelcafe #championscostarica #costaricacountryclub #euroelitetennistours
Just nu pågår 2025 års första EuroElite MHPC i Skåne. Claes Göransson och Linus Eriksson drillar åtta killar från Danmark och tre från Sverige under det nya EuroElite MHPC-konceptet där ingen behöver missa någon skola längre! Campet börjar fredag kväll med två timmars tennis direkt och pågår fram till söndag eftermiddag.
Under helgen fokuserar vi på consistency, patterns, som vanligt en massa serve och returer och även en del volley och dubbelträning!
Precis som tidigare har boxning med Ken också stått på schemat 😀🥊

Just nu pågår 2025 års första EuroElite MHPC i Skåne. Claes Göransson och Linus Eriksson drillar åtta killar från Danmark och tre från Sverige under det nya EuroElite MHPC-konceptet där ingen behöver missa någon skola längre! Campet börjar fredag kväll med två timmars tennis direkt och pågår fram till söndag eftermiddag.
Under helgen fokuserar vi på consistency, patterns, som vanligt en massa serve och returer och även en del volley och dubbelträning!
Precis som tidigare har boxning med Ken också stått på schemat 😀🥊
J300 COPA DEL CAFE - Jan 16
August and Christian are in the DOUBLES FINAL!!
We are so grateful for the Wild Card and looking forward to a super CENTRE COURT MATCH on SATURDAY!
#copadelcafe2025 #euroelitetours #danishtennis #costaricatennis

J300 COPA DEL CAFE - Jan 16
August and Christian are in the DOUBLES FINAL!!
We are so grateful for the Wild Card and looking forward to a super CENTRE COURT MATCH on SATURDAY!
#copadelcafe2025 #euroelitetours #danishtennis #costaricatennis
Coffee Bowl J300 Costa Rica:
NICE WIN FOR AUGUST & CHRISTIAN TODAY (14 Jan) Vs. the #3 Seeds from the USA in doubles!!
A BIG Thank You Luis and the Copa del Cafe Tournament Committee for giving the boys a Doubles Wild Card and opportunity to compete... boy did they use it well!!!
This super event makes everyone feel SO SPECIAL... Here are the guys signing Autographs for the young local tennis players. What a pump up!!
#copadelcafetenis #costaricacountryclub #funontour #euroelitetours

Coffee Bowl J300 Costa Rica:
NICE WIN FOR AUGUST & CHRISTIAN TODAY (14 Jan) Vs. the #3 Seeds from the USA in doubles!!
A BIG Thank You Luis and the Copa del Cafe Tournament Committee for giving the boys a Doubles Wild Card and opportunity to compete... boy did they use it well!!!
This super event makes everyone feel SO SPECIAL... Here are the guys signing Autographs for the young local tennis players. What a pump up!!
#copadelcafetenis #costaricacountryclub #funontour #euroelitetours
EuroElite is super proud to have Lehnhoff tennis international (LTI) as a partner and now also a sponsor. The partnership has been going strong for years and LTI has been successfully placing EuroElite players at great universities. For any questions that EuroElite players or parents may have concerning College tennis, LTI is always there to help. The company has 100% success for over 10 years at placing every player. It stands out because they help only Scandinavians and only tennis players. Making it feel like a small family where they are fully supported through every single step of the college recruiting pathway.
For more info or to schedule a call with LTI, please visit @lehnhoff.tennis.international
#partner #partnership #college #collegetennis

EuroElite is super proud to have Lehnhoff tennis international (LTI) as a partner and now also a sponsor. The partnership has been going strong for years and LTI has been successfully placing EuroElite players at great universities. For any questions that EuroElite players or parents may have concerning College tennis, LTI is always there to help. The company has 100% success for over 10 years at placing every player. It stands out because they help only Scandinavians and only tennis players. Making it feel like a small family where they are fully supported through every single step of the college recruiting pathway.
For more info or to schedule a call with LTI, please visit @lehnhoff.tennis.international
#partner #partnership #college #collegetennis
So great to get the news from Linus Andersson (EE/Båstad RIG/HTK) and Mads B. Aaby(EE/Holte,DK) that not only did they win the J60 ITF Doubles title in Malmö (Linus won doubles last week at the J100 as well) but Linus also took his first J60 SINGLES TITLE!🎉🎾
Special shout-out to Hugo Bucht (ATL) who got his FIRST ITF POINTS as well at this Malmö ITF event!!
NEXT UP MEXICO + GUATEMALA TOUR: Linus, Mads along with Nicolai Eie Worren(Nor), Maximillian S. Lunde(Nor), Nils Fröbel(Swe) and William Kaltenecker(Swe) will be flying to ACAPULCO🇲🇽☀️ to meet up and start training for our 3.5 week ITF Tours in Central America....VAMOS!!

So great to get the news from Linus Andersson (EE/Båstad RIG/HTK) and Mads B. Aaby(EE/Holte,DK) that not only did they win the J60 ITF Doubles title in Malmö (Linus won doubles last week at the J100 as well) but Linus also took his first J60 SINGLES TITLE!🎉🎾
Special shout-out to Hugo Bucht (ATL) who got his FIRST ITF POINTS as well at this Malmö ITF event!!
NEXT UP MEXICO + GUATEMALA TOUR: Linus, Mads along with Nicolai Eie Worren(Nor), Maximillian S. Lunde(Nor), Nils Fröbel(Swe) and William Kaltenecker(Swe) will be flying to ACAPULCO🇲🇽☀️ to meet up and start training for our 3.5 week ITF Tours in Central America....VAMOS!!
On the tour it’s so important to keep sets and matches going even after two tough 3-set, 3 hour long losses vs the #2 and #4 seeds.
In today’s extra training matches it was Denmark (August + Christian) v. Germany (Christopher) & USA (Chase) with a singles set fb a doubles set.
Making friends, building match toughness and keeping competitive during our training times is VITAL for our next event... the Copa del Cafe J300!
A BIG THANK YOU to Luis and Roberto at the Costa Rica Country Club for allowing me, my team and even our guests to do early training at their brand new indoor facility--- PURA VIDA!!
#costaricacountryclub #copadelcafetennis

On the tour it’s so important to keep sets and matches going even after two tough 3-set, 3 hour long losses vs the #2 and #4 seeds.
In today’s extra training matches it was Denmark (August + Christian) v. Germany (Christopher) & USA (Chase) with a singles set fb a doubles set.
Making friends, building match toughness and keeping competitive during our training times is VITAL for our next event... the Copa del Cafe J300!
A BIG THANK YOU to Luis and Roberto at the Costa Rica Country Club for allowing me, my team and even our guests to do early training at their brand new indoor facility--- PURA VIDA!!
#costaricacountryclub #copadelcafetennis
Its so nice to be back for my 25th year at the Copa del Cafe event and the ITF before at La Sabana Park! On tour for these events + Colombia J300 are August B. Poulsen(Lyngby Tk) and Christian Grönfeldt(KB Tennis) who have been EuroEliters since age 11!
So nice to watch the guys grow up (and BOY did they grow to over 2 meters now😂) so we are looking forward to these 3 events.
On New Years day we went to the famous El Zapote ”Bull-Tag” rodeo where they don’t hurt the bull but rather try to take a ribbon off the bull’s horns and then get money for that. It is hilarious so WATCH THE VIDEO!!!
Main starts on Monday 06 January so more then.
#costarica #tennis #itf #tour #touring #sanjose #elzapote

Its so nice to be back for my 25th year at the Copa del Cafe event and the ITF before at La Sabana Park! On tour for these events + Colombia J300 are August B. Poulsen(Lyngby Tk) and Christian Grönfeldt(KB Tennis) who have been EuroEliters since age 11!
So nice to watch the guys grow up (and BOY did they grow to over 2 meters now😂) so we are looking forward to these 3 events.
On New Years day we went to the famous El Zapote ”Bull-Tag” rodeo where they don’t hurt the bull but rather try to take a ribbon off the bull’s horns and then get money for that. It is hilarious so WATCH THE VIDEO!!!
Main starts on Monday 06 January so more then.
#costarica #tennis #itf #tour #touring #sanjose #elzapote
Vi på EuroElite vill önska alla en god jul och ett gott nytt år! Vi ser väldigt mycket fram emot 2025 som kommer inledas med att en ny, fräsch webbsajt kommer lanseras den 10 januari! Adressen blir densamma, www.euroelite.info.
Vi ses 2015! 🎉🎾

Vi på EuroElite vill önska alla en god jul och ett gott nytt år! Vi ser väldigt mycket fram emot 2025 som kommer inledas med att en ny, fräsch webbsajt kommer lanseras den 10 januari! Adressen blir densamma, www.euroelite.info.
Vi ses 2015! 🎉🎾
I helgen firar tio tjejer och två EuroElite-coacher in första advent med årets sista MHPC i Höllviken och Trelleborg.
Hela Skandinavien har varit representerade genom fem tjejer från Norge, fyra från Sverige och en danska.
Helgen har varit fylls med tennis där vi fokuserat mycket på serve, retur, förstaslag och såklart en hel del matchsspel.
Ett av mycket uppskattat inslag brukar vara boxningspasset med Ken - så även den här helgen. Precis som på alla EuroElite-camps eller tours så har vi även haft flera teoripass där vi gått igenom spelmönster och vikten av hur man agerar mellan poängen.
- Jättekul att samla tjejer från tre olika länder som dessutom har haft kul tillsammans utanför banan med bland annat kortspel på kvällarna, hälsar EE-coacherna Linus Eriksson och Kalle Averfalk, som båda ser fram emot fler läger och resor nästa år!
#camps #scandinavia #euroelite #höllviken #trelleborg #boxing #tennis #friends @baslinjencom

I helgen firar tio tjejer och två EuroElite-coacher in första advent med årets sista MHPC i Höllviken och Trelleborg.
Hela Skandinavien har varit representerade genom fem tjejer från Norge, fyra från Sverige och en danska.
Helgen har varit fylls med tennis där vi fokuserat mycket på serve, retur, förstaslag och såklart en hel del matchsspel.
Ett av mycket uppskattat inslag brukar vara boxningspasset med Ken - så även den här helgen. Precis som på alla EuroElite-camps eller tours så har vi även haft flera teoripass där vi gått igenom spelmönster och vikten av hur man agerar mellan poängen.
- Jättekul att samla tjejer från tre olika länder som dessutom har haft kul tillsammans utanför banan med bland annat kortspel på kvällarna, hälsar EE-coacherna Linus Eriksson och Kalle Averfalk, som båda ser fram emot fler läger och resor nästa år!
#camps #scandinavia #euroelite #höllviken #trelleborg #boxing #tennis #friends @baslinjencom
Dags att börja planera för 2025! Missa inte sommarens populära camps 😀
Swipea till höger för att se båda sidorna med info 👉🏽
#camps #summer #denmark #sweden #tennis #match #team #euroelite

Dags att börja planera för 2025! Missa inte sommarens populära camps 😀
Swipea till höger för att se båda sidorna med info 👉🏽
#camps #summer #denmark #sweden #tennis #match #team #euroelite